Sunday, February 28, 2016


As teenagers in the mid to late 1960s my girlfriends and I often sewed simple dresses for ourselves. We'd shop at  Hutzler's or Brager Gutman's  to select a pattern and then choose our fabric and accessories. One item I never was able to own was a colorful pin cushion that featured cheerful Asian children encircling its circumference. The thought of having their  playful company as I hand-sewed the hem of my latest creation was reassuring. But that idea always remained a dream. A few months ago I was visiting  Renninger's, one of my favorite haunts, when I discovered a dealer with all kinds of sewing paraphernalia. Among the spools of thread, tools, zippers, buttons and needles was the darling pin cushion I had always coveted. These days I no longer sew but paint instead. So naturally I had to do a little painting of my recently realized dream of owning these little sewing companions.
"Sewing Companions" oil on wood panel (6" x 6") 2016